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Janet Fredericks Studio - Travel Journals

Mango Baskets & Rickshaw Blessings, A Compendium of Travel Journals is a uniquely bound, 6 x 8″, 64 page, self-published book. This small book is full of colorful images from the pages of my travel journals. The text includes thoughts on travel and journal drawing with an occasional haiku. It is available only through the artist for $25. All profits go to Magicians Without Borders. 

Pages from Travel Journals

​When traveling, I always carry a sketchbook to try to capture the sights, sounds, smells, and feel of a culture…really, the essence of life in the place I am visiting. Many drawings were made very quickly while bumping along dirt roads (extreme drawing in Ethiopia) or zipping along busy thoroughfares on the way to shows where I have been  volunteering as a performer for 20 years with Magicians Without Borders. When time permits I love to sit and observe life around me using mainly ink, watercolors, color pencils on Moleskine or Holbein sketchbooks. Below are a few of the many sketches from more than fifty journals.

“I would rather wander lost than follow maps made by tourists.” origin unknown